Friday, October 16, 2015

Dawkins calls GOP Presidential candidates 'disgraceful' for believing in a Creator (it was actually aliens!)

For some reason, the theological beliefs of our presidential hopefuls are on trial ... yet again.

The Blaze picked up on two situations involving this reverse-crusade against the pious: One where Bill O'Reilly grills Ben Carson on his belief in the age of the earth (he's a surgeon, not a geophysicist!); and another with the headline:

Atheist Richard Dawkins Calls It ‘Disgraceful’ That Presidential Hopefuls Are Creationists ...

What's even more "disgraceful" is that the pop-Atheism icon Dawkins himself finds it an "intriguing possibility" that god-like aliens placed life on earth -- but that the alien "seed race" must have themselves evolved from lower life-forms billions of years prior.

We only wish we were kidding. See video from the pro-Intelligent Design in schools documentary "Expelled" below.

(By the way, Ben Carson will be at the Costco on Research Boulevard/US 183 in Northwest Austin on Monday, Oct. 19, from noon to around 2 p.m. for a book-signing if you feel like offering him your moral support.)

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