Friday, January 15, 2016

Travis GOP chair weighs in on presidential debate

Fox 7's Dave Froelich and Travis GOP chair James Dickey 
While some were boycotting last night's debate due to the exclusion of Sen. Rand Paul, the Fox Business Channel Republican Debate was nonetheless another powerful showcase of a good share of the 2016 GOP presidential field.

"I think every one of the players on that stage -- with the possible exception of [John] Kasich -- really upped their game ..." said Travis GOP Chairman James Dickey on Friday morning's broadcast of Good Morning Austin.

Paul's decision to ditch the "kid's table" debate earlier was "clever" and "brilliant strategy," garnering more attention than he would have otherwise.

"He pulled up the mettle of his digital force" bringing in "more social media interaction than when he was on the main stage," Dickey said.

Dickey had high praise for Sen. Ted Cruz for taking on a more prominent role in the debate.

"[Donald] Trump and Cruz have played nice for a long time, and we saw last night that this has come to an end," Dickey added.

Without endorsing any one candidate, Dickey reminded those watching that the March 1 primary is a "super Tuesday" including Texas and Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado (caucuses), Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota (caucuses), Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont, and Virginia.

That's 45 days from now in case anyone's counting.

Watch Dickey's summary of the Jan. 14 Republican presidential debate at:

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