Monday, August 22, 2016

Planned counter-protest mocks 'Cocks Not Glocks'

National Review recently had a soul-convicting article about how the Left ultimately makes everything about sex.

Everything. Even the Second Amendment.

Here's a selection from this gutsy article that speaks volumes about a protest sure to grab headlines this week:
The so-called culture war ... has not been conducted by people of religious faith on one side, and people of no faith on the other. It is instead a contest of competing faiths: one in the Good Book, and the other in the more newly written figurative book of secularist orthodoxy about the sexual revolution. 
Nowhere is this phenomenon more pronounced than during a perennial protest against gun rights at the University of Texas where hordes of participants carry sex toys (and other everyday items intended to be suggestive) in holsters around campus. Watch the video below in which left-of-center hyenas laugh it off as perfectly acceptable college hi-jinx:

Fortunately this year, whether you are upset with the careless display of vulgarity on a taxpayer-supported campus, or a gun rights supporter from any moral background, you don't have to put up with this.

Second Amendment activist students are planning a counter-protest on Wednesday, Aug. 24, starting at 8 a.m. at the University of Texas campus:

(Open Carry activists will no doubt be present, so if you're not into that be prepared. And please be aware of campus rules regarding non-student visitors if you plan on attending.)

Here's the skinny:
Liberty-minded students from Texas State, Trinity University and the University of Texas are planning to counter-protest a "Cocks not Glocks" protest on August 24th starting at 8 am on the UT campus.
One of the most important aspects of college life is being punctual for class. We all know that dildo won't get you there in time, a clock will. If you have one, bring a clock and help educate those protesting with dildos that excessive use of them could cause them to be late for class!
Bring pro-2A clothing, flags, signs, etc.
Link to the "Cocks not Glocks" protest, after the jump:
We need to show that there are students, faculty, and taxpayers that we support campus carry and that other beliefs are present on campus.
Note for our non-Texas readers: Yes, the name of the university does contain "Texas," but that doesn't mean guns are yet welcome. It's an urban campus for a state-sponsored higher education institution like others elsewhere across the Western world. That means it has been infiltrated by a mixture of radical leftism which cannot tolerate the concept of a well-armed people keeping a check on centralized power.

Texas taxpayers are paying for it. They have every right to steer these students the right direction as a supportive community.

We'll be tracking this counter-protest as it develops.

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We strongly support the First Amendment. But we ask that you keep it friendly and PG.