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In the words of Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars: "It's a trap!" The Tracker encourages our members of Congress to continue to host bipartisan town hall meetings on their own schedule.
UPDATE: Congressman Pete Sessions (TX-32, Dallas) hosted a town hall today that primarily became a gripe-fest for angry liberal activists. There has been several media reports on this, but we'll include the summary posted by Dallas conservative activist Richard Morgan, a recent candidate for Dallas County Community College District Board of Trustees:
Most telling points from the townhall this morning:
When a handful of people in the audience booed and jeered during the invocation, some even shouting idiotic things like separation of church and state
When Sessions said we were adding 5 million net new jobs this year so people could afford their own health insurance, and nearly all the liberals booed
When he said congress was adding tax cuts, and people responded that tax cuts don't buy food
When people who moments earlier had complained about earning minimum wage cheered at the idea of legalizing marijuana
Image credits:
Screenshot from Texas Tribune Facebook share.
Random meme of Admiral Ackbar.
Chapter 4 in there guide.